
Sunday, May 8, 2016

May 8, 2016 - Mother's Day

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day.  Whether you enjoyed time with your mom, grandmother, the mother of your children, or remembered those wonderful mothers who came before them, we hope that you took time to treasure your family this weekend.

2016-2017 Campus Administrative Team

As most already know, I have been asked to lead a team of administrators next year as the principal of the Calhoun Middle and High School Campus.  I am excited and honored to have been selected for this position and know that I can only be successful with the support of the students, staff, and community of Calhoun City Schools.  I asked members of the new administrative team to send me a short video this weekend of why they are excited to be a part of this team, and you can see the resulting product below:

Staff Spotlight 
  • Robyn Greeson: This time of year is full of field trips and exciting adventures and experiences for students.  Well, what many may not realize is that with these outings comes the need for substitute teachers.  Robyn is in charge of procuring our substitutes and does an outstanding job in doing so, along with numerous other tedious tasks.  Robyn always has a smile on her face, and as long as she has her mandatory Hershey's bar and Coke in the morning she is good to go!  I appreciate her commitment to CMS and her work ethic.  She is the first person to greet our students, parents and other visitors in the main office and she is a big part of the Calhoun Middle School family!  Thank you Robyn!
Student Spotlight

  • Bryson Smith: The Gordon County 4-H Junior and Senior Livestock Judging teams recently competed in the 2016 State Livestock Judging contest at the University of Georgia in Athens. The Junior team came away as State Champions, making it the eighth year in a row for a Gordon County team. This team includes Calhoun Middle School student Bryson Smith.  Way to go Bryson!

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