
Sunday, November 27, 2016

November 27, 2016 - Seasons Greetings: A time for thanks, personal reflection and hope for the future.

The Campus of Calhoun Middle & High School is pleased to kick off the holiday season as we return from a well-deserved Thanksgiving break.  It is my hope that everyone was able to take time with family and friends over the break and were able to reflect on what we all can be thankful for.  Although things don't always go to plan, we can always be thankful for our Calhoun Schools family and all those who are forever connected to it.  Our staff will be working hard over the next three weeks to finish the semester strong, while providing a warm and nurturing environment for our students.  The holidays are a special time for our community.  From parades, to concerts... celebrations to gatherings, it is a season in which we can celebrate our community and the core values upon which it rests.  It is my hope that Calhoun Middle and High School will serve as a model for our students on how we should treat each other no matter our differences.  It has been, and always will be, my goal to ensure that all students feel welcome when entering the doors of The Campus.  Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time if you would like to discuss your child and their education, or how we as a school may better support our community.  You can reach me at 706-602-6661 or coombep@calhounschools.org.

Student Spotlight:  All those students who are involved in our Friday Night Lights.  Thank you for a great season!  From the players to the cheerleaders.  The band and film crew to the public safety team... we are so glad that we got to go on this journey with you this fall!

Staff Spotlight:  The coaches and sponsors who support our outstanding athletes and students who participate in Friday nights.  Thank you for your sacrifice and thank your families for allowing you to do so.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

November 13, 2016 - No Matter our Differences, We are all Jackets

The Campus honored our Veterans this past Friday with a special luncheon and a program for out students that you can view in the video above.  We appreciate all those who served, and continue to serve, our great nation.  Your sacrifice is what allows us to continue to exercise our freedoms.

There is nothing more polarizing than a presidential election.  It highlights the different opinions of political parties and feeds on the division of our citizens.  We struggle to identify with the political candidates who are elected to represent their given parties and the media feeds on the disparity between their views and ideals.  This year, in particular, reminded me that we must honor the differences that make America, and our community, unique.  The Campus of Calhoun Middle and High School is comprised of a diverse group of students and teachers who represent a variety of values and beliefs.  We could do what the media teaches us, and focus on our differences, or we can choose to focus on what bonds us.

I would present the following common traits of our Campus family: We are a community of learners who want to enjoy our experience at school and who desire The Campus to be a fun and engaging place to learn; we want to feel safe, loved and appreciated; we want to attend a school where we can develop meaningful relationships that will last beyond graduation; we want to feel prepared to enter college and/or career fields that interest us; we want to laugh often and share our lives with each other so we may learn from the experiences of those around us; we want to win; we want to learn from our failures; we want to have the freedom to follow our dreams and express our creativity without fear of judgment.

The above mentioned qualities are what bond us as Calhoun Yellow Jackets.  We are one family of learners, living life together, and we will continue as long as we are afforded the freedoms to do so.  Go Jackets! #JacketStrong

Student Spotlight:
Congratulations to Calhoun High School's Competition Cheerleaders who placed third in the AAA State Championship competition today. Thank you Coach Ginger Reeves and all of our hard working, talented girls! We are proud of you all! Go Jackets!

Monday, October 17, 2016

October 17, 2016 - Principals of the Day... Future Jacket Leaders!

I hope everyone had a wonderful fall break!  It is always refreshing to have the opportunity to step back from the workplace, catch our breath, and prepare for what lies ahead as we approach the quarter mark of the school year.  Today I had the opportunity to be shadowed by two incredible 6th graders who wanted to the "Principal for a Day".  These two are incredible and I can't wait for you to meet both Lilly and Brandon!

I had the great opportunity to visit my alma mater, The University of Florida, this weekend to attend our homecoming game.  It was a fun and exciting opportunity to reminisce and connect with old friends, but I could not help but think about one thing.  That one thing was how proud I am to be a Calhoun Yellow Jacket!  The University of Florida has an outstanding sense of school pride and tradition, of which I am very proud to be a part of, but I kept thinking about how much more I enjoy being a part of the Yellow Jacket Nation.  I asked myself why, and the answer was obvious.  It is because of the incredible kids I get to work with each and every day and the teachers, parents and community who support them.  I am proud that we are providing a future workforce for our state, nation and beyond, but even more proud that we are building lifelong learners who embody the spirit and character that being a Yellow Jacket are all about.  Go Jackets!

Student Spotlight:
It is obvious who my choice is this week... Lilly Bunch and Brandon Webb!  Spending time with them today was the highlight of my day and week.  They are future stars at Calhoun Middle and High School and I am proud to be their principal.  Watch the video and it will be easy to see why they are so awesome!

Staff Spotlight:
Sean Blockley, AFS Lead at The Campus, is out staff spotlight this week.  Sean continues to go the extra mile in leading his team to ensure that The Campus is kept in tip top shape.  He responds to all situations with a positive attitude and is approachable at all times.  I appreciate Sean's commitment to our school and our students.  Without he and his crew we would not be able to function.  Thank you Sean!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

October 2, 2016 - Learning... It's a family affair

When it comes to teaching and learning, it is certainly a team effort. Parents and teachers must work hand-in-hand with their students in order to be successful. In order to foster this partnership, Calhoun City Schools has practiced 100% face-to-face parent-teacher conferencing for years. With that said, we at The Campus have held discussions with parents, school governance teams, teachers and students and have discovered that our current practice is not meeting the needs of all learners. We will be revamping our teacher parent conferencing at Calhoun Middle & High School this year and will be focusing on engaging parents and students in dialog surrounding their personal growth. A summary of our new conferencing procedures are found below:

As a part of this model, all students will be engaged in individual conferencing with teachers within the classroom.

  • Nine week grades are due by 8am on Thursday, October 20, 2016. 
  • October 21 & 25, 2016 - Individual Student Conferencing - Black Day/Gold Day. All students will be given a form in homeroom They will carry the form from course to course and teachers will conference with each student in the class providing grade and narrative feedback for both the student and the parent. Students will return the form to the homeroom teacher at the end of each day. 
  • Advisers will scan a copy of each student form and email to the parents based on information provided in infinite campus. Students will be given the original form to deliver to their parents by hand no later than October 28, 2016. 
  • Teachers of failing students will make a parent contact (phone or face-to-face conference) if the student is failing their course. If the student is failing more than two academic courses, administration will schedule a conference with an administrator and involved teachers. ESS Case managers will schedule conferences for those on their caseload. 
  • Any student with attendance and/or behavior issues will have an administrative led conference with involved parties. 
  • Any parent may schedule a conference with any teacher at any point during the year. If more information from the specific teacher is needed after receiving the parent feedback form mentioned above, the teacher's contact information will be provided on the form. 

The goal of our new conferencing model is to make better use of parent-teacher conferencing so that it is done with intention and purpose. We know that not every parent has the need to conference with their student's teacher, but we do believe it is important to have communication in the form of the narrative/grade feedback provided by the teachers this semester as mentioned above.

Just for your viewing pleasure... check out this video re: a parent/teacher communication app from our friend in Kentucky, Principal Brooks:

Student Spotlight:

Congratulations to our Calhoun water polo team! They placed 4th in the state of Georgia in their inaugural year as a program! What a great accomplishment! Please wish each of these student athletes your congratulations!

Staff Spotlight:

This week's staff spotlight is Renae Weldon. Recently Calhoun High School signed off on their 2016 graduation cohort rate. This is a culmination of month's of fact checking and documentation. Renae leads this charge, and after an exhaustive amount of record searching, etc. we have officially signed off on our rate as 97.16-97.19% (depending on the denominator as determined by the state). This is a reflection of our teachers, students and community support and we are appreciative of Renae going the extra mile in ensuring we have appropriate documentation for all students! Go Jackets!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

September 25, 2016 - Student engagement... It's all about building relationships!

Check out this example of a substitute teacher struggling to gain control of an unruly classroom.  Thankfully, Calhoun Middle and High School teachers are skilled in the art of engagement!

Student engagement begins with the building of relationships.  Without an established relationship and positive rapport between a teacher and student, engagement is limited.  A student's potential is not delivered to them by a teacher.  It is already present.  It is a skilled teacher that is able to engage the student and channel their full potential.  The following are some characteristics of what I would call a master of student engagement.  A master teacher will...

1. Build positive relationships with students and learn about each individual child.
2. Teach kids first and curriculum second.
3. Ensure that children draw relevance to the curriculum.
4. Work with students to develop a love of learning.
5. Embody lifelong learning.
6. Focus on learning goals as opposed to performance goals.
7. Recognize that there is more to learn in the classroom than the curriculum.
8. Move beyond the four walls and engage the community as the classroom.

I am proud that we have teachers who choose to embody those traits described above.  We are a blessed learning community for sure!  It is not hard to see examples of teachers and coaches who focus their efforts on building relationships.  I witnessed 280+ band members march at festival this weekend.  They had many things in common, but one significant bond was that they all looked to their band directors and coaches for support, guidance and direction.  How do a group of 5 adults coach a team of nearly 300 performers?  They do it through the building of relationships, the development of trust, and the promise of success.  We see this in every school sponsored organization, and it is a thing of marvel at Calhoun Middle and High School.  Thank you to all of our teachers, coaches and sponsors who are so committed to our students!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

September 11, 2016 - 911 - History for a New Generation

September 11, 2016 marks the 15th anniversary of an event which will forever be remembered as the day an act of terrorism woke a sleeping giant and brought new awareness to the vulnerability of our nation.  I vividly remember being on the campus of The University of Florida on my way to my French class when I heard students running through a courtyard yelling, "a plane hit a building in New York".  Although this memory will be one I will never forget, we are now teaching a new generation of student.  A generation which will not remember 9/11 with first hand accounts, but will instead learn about this event on wikipedia.  My children (4 year old, Violet, and 8 month old, Clyde) will know only of these events through the stories passed down to them or what they learn in school.  It is my fervent prayer that their generation not experience a 9/11 like event, but I know that this is entirely possible given the current climate in today's world.  How do we combat this?  In a world where many choose to hate, we at Calhoun City Schools will choose to love.  We will choose to love each and every student that walks through the doors of our schools.  We will teach them to love others and to believe that the world is filled with more people who choose to love than to hate.  I hope you will join me in this task as we teach a new generation to love one another, so that Children like Violet here will have hope both now and in the future.

If you missed our survival guide 101 for middle and high school students click here to access all materials shared.

Student Spotlight
Congratulations to the 2016 CHS Senior Homecoming Court!

Staff Spotlight
CHS ESOL Teacher, Crystal Veal, invested in her students on Friday afternoon and evening.  While she could have chosen to head home at the end of a busy week, she remained at CHS to work with nearly 20 ELL students to help them with a written paper assignment.  She then followed this by investing in her students by attending a local church service which she was invited to.  We appreciate Mrs. Veal's commitment to her students.

Monday, September 5, 2016

September 5, 2016 - How to Survive Middle/High School 101

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night wondering what your student needs to do to prepare for college?  Have you ever received that urgent text or phone call from your child sharing that they need money for the field trip you were unaware of?  Do you want to be an informed parent when talking with your child about their school experience?  Are you a planner and like to know all the important events and dates for the year?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to plan on being at The Campus of Calhoun Middle and High School at 6pm on Tuesday, September 6, 2016 for our Middle/High School 101 Parent Meeting.  Every parent will walk away with a survival guide for their child's grade level and will have an opportunity to ask any important questions on their mind during grade level breakout sessions.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

August 30, 2016 - Beyond the Four Walls - Moving Offices

Today, I moved my office into the lobby of Calhoun High School and invited the entire student body of CMS and CHS to stop by and share in conversation as they express concerns, or simply want to chat.  Below is the message I shared with my staff based on my insights from today's experience:

Campus Colleagues, 

I wanted to take a moment to share a few things that my experience moving my office into the lobby for a day taught me.  Thank you for indulging me as I pass on these small yet perhaps meaningful insights:

Today I learned...

1. That moving a full suite of furniture in the lobby yourself is difficult, but asking for help in returning these items makes it far easier.  This may seem trivial, but it reminded me that it is okay to ask for help when facing challenging tasks.

2. Students recognize and appreciate when we step beyond the four walls and do something extraordinary.  It did not take long for comments to spread and for students to come visit the "crazy" principal with his office in the lobby.  Sometimes it takes an unusual gesture to stir conversation and create a buzz around campus.

3. Students want to have open and honest conversation with their teachers and administrators but are often timid in doing so.  We have to sometimes remove those barriers in order to create an environment where these open conversations are welcome.

4. We have some pretty incredible students!  Our students are so observant and their knowledge and insight they imparted upon me today was quite overwhelming.  I have summarized a few of those items below:
  • We have students who love to learn and engage in active learning experiences.  Even the ones who struggle to love school, shared that they enjoy when the learning is hands on.
  • We have teachers who love their students and care about their profession.  EVERY student I spoke to today had positive things to say about their teachers.  No student shared a dislike for a teacher.  They may share that they don't like the subject, but they all said they knew their teachers cared for them.
  • We have students who struggle with many external obstacles ranging from the threat of deportation to family money problems, etc.  
  • We have a sense of school pride which is acknowledged and felt by all to some degree.  
5. Our students are curious.  If we engage them in the classroom with strategies which challenge their preconceived notions of "school" they will be putty in your hands.  I would sit working today, and students would come by and take pictures, share a smile, give me a thumbs up, etc.  They want to be challenged to think of things in new ways.  Redefine your classroom!  Get beyond the 4 walls!

6. It's not always about having a conversation... it's about being present.  Most students did not stop to have conversation.  Most simply wanted to see what was going on in the lobby... what they had heard about.  As I would see those same students walk back through later in the day I would engage them in conversation and this opened a conversation which I would not have had if I was not present in the lobby... in the hall... to speak with them specifically.

7. We have awesome teachers!  I saw so many teachers supporting students in the hallway... walking with students... sharing a friendly hello.

8. Our community appreciates seeing what we are doing in our classrooms.  I gathered a lot of positive attention via social media, text messages, email, etc. from parents and community members who saw I was doing something a little out of the ordinary today.  Our families love to see what we are doing with their kids.  Be sure to share with them!

Every day I am proud to be a Yellow Jacket.  Today, I was especially proud to be one.  I want to thank each of you for allowing me to work along side you as we meet the challenge of educating more than 2100 students across grades 6-12.  My challenge to you today, and the rest of the year, will be to ask, how will you move your classroom beyond the 4 walls?

Sunday, August 21, 2016

August 21, 2016 - Every Dream Needs a Strong Team

If you are like me, you have been glued to the olympic games in Rio these past two weeks.  In lieu of early nights, I have been cheering on the athletes of the United States as they showcase their talent while representing their country with pride.  The olympic games will come to a close this Sunday evening, but the games are far from over at Calhoun Middle and High School.  We are two weeks in to a long season.  A season which will allow us to show our pride in the Jacket Nation.  I cannot say enough how proud I am of our students, our parents and our community.  This was demonstrated in full force this Friday evening at Phil Reeve stadium, where thousands of people gathered to lend their support to our students.  Education is truly a team sport.  In order for us to be successful in pushing our team beyond the black and gold standard of excellence, we need coaches, pit crews, and cheerleaders.  Teachers, parents and the community will assume each of these roles at appropriate times, and it is when we work together that we will find great success.  I want to thank the parents and the community for entrusting myself and my staff with the awesome responsibility of coaching your students to success.  It is a task we do not take lightly, and one we need your support in order to accomplish.  I can say with confidence that we have outstanding things taking place each and every day on The Campus and we invite you to come along side us as we continue to strive for excellence.  Go Jackets!  #GAMEON.

Staff Spotlight:  Stay tuned... we will be announcing our Teachers of the Year on Monday.

Student Spotlight:
Congratulations to our 2016 Homecoming Nominees.  These ladies will be featured at our first homecoming assembly on Friday, August 26, 2016 at 8:15a.m.:

  • 9th
    • Erin Barnes, Madalyn Cross, Anna George, Emma King, Jenna Santori
  • 10th 
    • Ariana Cantellano, Ashton Ensley, Marley Gentry, Daleigh Higgins, Trinity Reyes
  • 11th 
    • Sarah Green, Alexis Moss, Alexis Owens, Julia Palazzolo, Cecilia Swink
  • 12th – Homecoming Queen Nominees
    • Sammy Bramlett, Kelsey Hall, Abrinna Nannie, Marlee Nichelson, Tori Trimble

Sunday, August 7, 2016

August 7, 2016 - Exceeding the Black and Gold Standard of Excellence

This week we will welcome over 2000 students to The Campus of Calhoun Middle and High School.  Our staff have been working around the clock preparing for their arrival, and we plan to roll out the red carpet as we welcome them to what will be a landmark year in Calhoun City Schools long history.   Each and every student will have an individualized schedule, handcrafted around their specific needs, ready for them in their homeroom on Monday morning.  Students who have not yet seen their schedule will find the name and location of their homeroom in the lobby area of each school.  Each day this week we will be reviewing some important changes in the student handbook and we will publish this highlighted information for parents to view as the week progresses.

I know that a lot of students, and parents, feel a sense of anxiety when returning to the school year.  When will I go to lunch? Who will I sit with? What if I don't know anyone in my classes? The number of questions will grow, yet the answers will come in time.  Please encourage your students by reaffirming that school is a place where they should feel safe and encouraged.  It is my promise to the community that I will do my part in ensuring that each and every student feels comfortable coming to learn at The Campus each and every day.  Certainly we will experience bumps in the road, but if we all work together to exceed the black and gold standard of excellence we will surely be successful.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

July 31, 2016 - It's Game Time!

It's that time of year!  It's game time!  As we celebrate our system theme of exceeding the black and gold standard, #GAMEON, we recognize that in order to play in the game, we have to be a contributing participant to the team.  Our team is The Campus (Calhoun Middle and High School), and we all play an important role on this team.  From student, to parent... teacher to principal... community member to alumni, we must all be active team members if we are to exceed the black and gold standard of excellence!

Today we welcome 319 freshman to The Campus as they begin a four year journey which will ultimately lead them to graduation.  They will meet their graduation coaches (formerly known as advisers), tour the building and find their future classrooms and teachers.  This is a time of excitement and anticipation, and we cannot wait to meet the future graduates of Calhoun High School!  We are in the game.  We are committed to excellence.  We will not lose focus.  WE ARE CALHOUN!  #GAMEON.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

July 17, 2016 - Get Pumped!

Well, it's that time of year again!  You have been busy this summer catching Pokemon, napping on the beach, knocking off the annual honey-do list around the house, spending time with friends and family, and you just looked at the calendar and realized... yes... it's true... you only have 2 weeks until teachers return and 3 weeks until students return to school!  While some parents are jumping for joy at the thought of sending their kids back to school, many are in denial as they realize that their blissful summer will soon come to an end.  I can't speak for everyone, but I can speak for myself when I say that I am pumped about students and teachers returning to school!  Schools can be lonely places in the summer; however, there is much that goes on during the months of June and July at The Campus.  Teachers have been busy working selected days for the purpose of planning, camps have been ongoing, custodial teams have been waxing floors, cleaning windows, and many other very important tasks that must take place in those few weeks we are allotted with student-free days.  

As we use these last few weeks to prepare for the flood of students that will engulf our buildings, I want to remind you of a few important dates.  July 26th-28th we will be conducting student parking sales in the cafeteria and you can find specific information on the high school's homepage.  July 31st we will host a freshman orientation from 2-4pm that we ask all parents and rising 9th graders to attend.  And finally, on August 4th we will host a system open house for all grade levels from 12-6pm.  This is a drop-in event where students will get their schedules and will have the opportunity to meet their teachers.  I cannot wait to get the school year started.  We have a lot of positive things planned for The Campus and we are working hard to build an environment at CMS and CHS where students and teachers look forward to coming to school each and every day so that they can engage in learning that is meaningful and relevant.  Enjoy these last days of summer.  Go Jackets!

Student Spotlight
The 2016 DMA National Champion Majorette Line and Most Outstanding High School Line. (From left to right) Katlyn Lester, Ashton Smith, Emma Cochran, Gracie Gordon, Greer Saunders, Brooke Warren. (Not pictured) Head coach Tracy Farriba, assistant coach Madison Baker)

Calhoun's FCCLA chapter had a successful trip to Nationals. Congratulations to these ladies for their success at FCCLA National Leadership Conference in San Diego! Grace Jones, Bronze medal in Sports Nutrition; Mayson Haney, Silver medal in Career Investigation; and Alissa Greeson/Kendall Henslee Gold medal in Life Event Planning

Thursday, June 23, 2016

June 23, 2016 - Unplug from the Daily Grind

Summer is in full swing and many are enjoying some well-deserve time off with family and friends.  Summer vacations are not only a time for adventure and excitement, but also a time to unplug from the daily grind and recharge for the year ahead.

Life gets busier and busier with each passing year and as I continue to grow, as a young father and educator, I have learned the importance of scheduling time to change my daily routine to allow uninterrupted time with family and friends.  We spend so much of our lives "plugged in," that it is imperative that we take time to unplug.  This week was a week in which I unplugged from my daily routine and invested in my family.  They are, after all, my core support system.  We have had a great time at the beach and I am actually writing this as my daughter naps beside me, between trips to the beach and the pool.  It is a time that I will treasure and am thankful for.   My wife can attest that I have a hard time stepping away from school.  I am fully committed to the success of Calhoun City Schools, but my family kindly reminds me that unless I take time to recharge I will not be of much use to The Campus or CCS as a whole.

With that said, I am ready to return to CCS, recharged, and prepared to continue the important planning that must take place in order for us to have a successful school year.  Many people are working this summer behind the scenes so that the administration is prepared to do the most important job of all... support teachers and students as they teach and learn in the classroom.  

Lastly, I want to congratulate each and every one of our staff, students, parents and community members who helped to make Calhoun City Schools the 2016 Charter School System of the Year as recognized by Lt. Governor Casey Cagle on Wednesday in Atlanta.  We had a great showing of educational leaders and education supporters in attendance.  You can view the video recognizing CCS below:

Staff Spotlight
I would like to recognize all those who are coordinating summer programs this summer through Calhoun City Schools to best prepare our students for the 16-17 school year.  From summer school led by Monica Pierson and Lynne Wilson to math camps at CMS led by the math department, we have an abundance of programs contributing to student success at Calhoun City Schools.  Be sure to thank those who are sacrificing time this summer to put on programs such as cheer, twirl-o-whirl, football, soccer, transitions, STEM, band, performing arts, ESOL, tutorials, health, math, swimming, tennis, summer feeding, etc.  The list goes on and on.  Never have I seen a community and a school system so invested in their students during the summer months!

Student Spotlight
Aubrey Marbutt will be serving as the student body president for the 2016-2017 school year at Calhoun High School.  More than that, she is a representative of all students at Calhoun City Schools.  Aubrey has served in Student Government her entire high school career and is a dedicated student.  I have known Aubrey since she was in elementary school.  She has always shown great leadership potential, and I am very proud to have her serve along side me this upcoming year as the elected student representative of her peers.  Please congratulate her and wish her the best as she works diligently this year to make it the best year at The Campus to date!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

June 5, 2016 - Toes in the Sand

There's nothing quite like the feeling of watching the minutes tick away on the last day of school and running out of the doors as the heat hits your face, signaling the start of that epic time of year called summer!  Not only does this describe the last day for our students, but also that of our teachers and staff.  We often hear the faint grumbling of educational critics who scorn teachers for their excessive social media posts of beach vacation pictures and galavanting adventures across the globe.  These critics paint a canvas with broad strokes of commentary such as "they may not get a huge salary, but they have all that time off" and, "I wish I didn't have to work over the summer!"  I contest that these critics would have benefited from sitting in the classrooms of Calhoun City Schools teaching staff.  I praise our teachers for their pictures of sand covered feet gazing across the ocean.  I view this as a trade.  They have survived 10 months of 5 a.m. wakeup calls.  They have given up the privilege of seeing their own house during daylight hours.  They take care of other people's children while theirs are in daycare.  They teach for 10 hours, sponsor arts, academic, and athletic organizations in the evenings and hit stop and repeat once the clock strikes midnight.  They have most likely missed most, if not all, of their own child's classroom events, parties, field days, field trips etc. so that they can provide these same experiences for those who would criticize them.  They love unconditionally.  They carry the burden of knowing that for some of their students, school is the safest, warmest, and most loving place they will know.  They reach into their own pocket books to pay for field trips for those who cannot afford these adventures.  They sponsor their own students when Christmas comes around so that they too can feel the excitement that comes on Christmas morning.  In short... teachers are superheroes!  If allowing them two months to enjoy their own families and brag about it on social media is the price we have to pay to have these superheroes for 10 months, then I will gladly suffer the constant barrage of beach pics and poolside toes.  I love our teachers!  I love our schools!  I love our community!  We are Calhoun!

Staff Spotlight
All of our teachers and staff!  As I stated above in the blog, you are all superheroes!  We appreciate you and your commitment to our students.  Now, go and dip your feet in the water and post your obligatory sandy feet pics!!!  Have an incredible summer and drop by and visit me when you have the chance.  I would love to hear all about your adventures!

Student Spotlight
Reed Allen - For those of you who did not get to know the son of Heidi (CMS School Counselor) and John Allen (CHS Football Community Coach) you missed out on knowing an outstanding young man.  We recognize Reed this week because he has done what so few will ever accomplish...  He graduated from the United States Air Force Academy.  Reed represents what we aspire for all of our Calhoun graduates to achieve... a commitment to excellence both in and out of the classroom.  Congratulations to Reed and the Allen family!

Monday, May 30, 2016

May 30, 2016 - Remember the Fallen

Memorial Day

As we enjoy burgers and hot dogs at family and community cookouts across this great nation, let us remember those who have given their lives to protect our freedoms.  I hope you enjoy the tribute video shared below:

I am fortunate to live and work in a community where our fallen heroes are recognized and honored.  Let us always remember that freedom isn't free.

Staff Spotlight
Calhoun Middle School celebrated 2 retirees this past week and will continue to celebrate them this week as they have their last day "on the job" this Tuesday.  These two outstanding teachers are Susan Dunaway and Laura Payne!  We love them and appreciate their dedicated service to Calhoun City School.

Student Spotlight
The 8th grade class of 2016/2020 will be missed as they move on to high school, but I wanted to take a moment to recognize their outstanding behavior and positive contributions to Calhoun Middle School as we closed out the school year.  We had few, if any, issues from this class at the close of the school year and they were outstanding at their 8th grade awards assembly.  We look forward to seeing great things from these young men and women as they progress through the next four years of high school.  The future is bright at CCS!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

May 22, 2016 - Stand on the Tables!

Students are in eager anticipation of the final bell that will ring on Friday afternoon, signaling that school is out for summer!  With Alice Cooper's iconic lyrics in the background, a rush of students will chant "Schools' out for summer" as they hurry home for what promises to be the best summer of their young lives!  Meanwhile, teachers will continue the planning process for the 16-17 school year as we strive to build upon a strong foundation at Calhoun City Schools. We will revisit how we have successfully moved the classroom beyond the four walls and howe we might continue this effort.  

In directing teachers across the 6-12 spectrum, I will communicate the following step in the continuous improvement process:  Stand on the tables!  What?  Did he really just tell us to stand on the tables?  Yes!  In short, we must do whatever we can to engage students and to grasp their attention and keep it!  In a world of vanilla, we must be neapolitan!  I recall sitting in a lunchroom as a senior in high school when the principal suddenly stood on the table.  He didn't say a word, but the whole cafeteria fell to silence as he engaged over 500 students with one simple action.  Why did it work so effectively?  Because it was unexpected and it was dynamic.  I will challenge our teachers this year to do the unexpected.  I will challenge them to be dynamic as we move the classroom beyond the four walls.  This is our charge!  We will reach each and every student in a way which is both familiar and unexpected in order to help them achieve success both in and out of the classroom.  Go Jackets!

Staff Spotlight 
  • Trenette Patton & Laura Payne
    • Trenette engaged her students in life-sized keyboarding this week.  Students went to Bernstein and learned basic keyboarding scales on a life-size scale.  Now that is moving the classroom beyond the four walls!
    • Laura Payne invited Justin Lindsey's students to come make rice krispy treats with them this week.  Students from differing backgrounds worked together on one common goal.  This was an outstanding display of collaboration.
Student Spotlight
  • Black & Gold 8th Grade Nominees: The following 3 boys and girls were nominate for the Principal's Black and Gold Award for outstanding character, service and behavior.  One boy and one girl will given the award at the 8th grade awards ceremony on Thursday at 1pm, but I believe it is a huge honor to have been nominated by their teachers.  The nominees are as follows:
    • Boys: Julian Ipac, Kendall Servin, Joshua Tolson
    • Girls: Yesenia Garcia, Anne Fogel Jones, Idacia McConnell

Sunday, May 15, 2016

May 15, 2016 - New Beginnings

As we step into the last two weeks of school, a lot of changes are upon the horizon for our students, staff and parents.  Each of our students will venture into the next grade level with excitement, anxious anticipation of what lies ahead, and of course a little bit of nerves.  At Calhoun Middle School we strive to make these transitions as seamless as possible.  Today (Sunday, May 15), we hosted a student/parent orientation for rising 6th graders.  With hundreds in attendance, students and parents gathered in the gym before moving to classrooms to hear about the various programs that they will dive into in the fall.  You can see pictures of the event below for your viewing pleasure.  If these students and parents are an indication of what is in store for CMS, then we have a lot to be excited about!  Go Jackets!

Staff Spotlight 
  • 6th Grade Teachers:  It would be impossible to not highlight these outstanding teachers this week!  Let me recap on what they have done in the past seven days: 
    • They took 4 charter buses full of students to Orlando on what was described as "one of the most fun and engaging learning experiences of a lifetime" by one student.  After a whirlwind 3-day trip, they returned to CMS at 3:15am and EVERY teacher was present the next day to teach their classes!  Those teachers that did not go to Orlando, took several more charter buses to Six Flags on Friday on what was a long, yet fun-filled day.  To top it all off... they all attended our rising 6th grade orientation on Sunday afternoon to round out one of the busiest weeks of the school year!  We love our 6th grade teachers and their dedication!
  • A special shoutout also goes to those teachers from grades 7 & 8 who led students to Washington DC on another whirlwind adventure which was followed heavily on social media.  The students obviously had an amazing trip and the chaperones, although exhausted, had the time of their lives!  Thanks to all who made these trips happen!
Student Spotlight
  • Student Field Trippers: Each of the 6th, 7th and 8th grade students who attended field trips were on excellent behavior and represented Calhoun Middle School well!  No major behavior incidents were reported and all arrived home safely.  I could not be prouder of the way they conducted themselves under the guidance of their outstanding chaperones!  Way to represent Calhoun!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

May 8, 2016 - Mother's Day

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day.  Whether you enjoyed time with your mom, grandmother, the mother of your children, or remembered those wonderful mothers who came before them, we hope that you took time to treasure your family this weekend.

2016-2017 Campus Administrative Team

As most already know, I have been asked to lead a team of administrators next year as the principal of the Calhoun Middle and High School Campus.  I am excited and honored to have been selected for this position and know that I can only be successful with the support of the students, staff, and community of Calhoun City Schools.  I asked members of the new administrative team to send me a short video this weekend of why they are excited to be a part of this team, and you can see the resulting product below:

Staff Spotlight 
  • Robyn Greeson: This time of year is full of field trips and exciting adventures and experiences for students.  Well, what many may not realize is that with these outings comes the need for substitute teachers.  Robyn is in charge of procuring our substitutes and does an outstanding job in doing so, along with numerous other tedious tasks.  Robyn always has a smile on her face, and as long as she has her mandatory Hershey's bar and Coke in the morning she is good to go!  I appreciate her commitment to CMS and her work ethic.  She is the first person to greet our students, parents and other visitors in the main office and she is a big part of the Calhoun Middle School family!  Thank you Robyn!
Student Spotlight

  • Bryson Smith: The Gordon County 4-H Junior and Senior Livestock Judging teams recently competed in the 2016 State Livestock Judging contest at the University of Georgia in Athens. The Junior team came away as State Champions, making it the eighth year in a row for a Gordon County team. This team includes Calhoun Middle School student Bryson Smith.  Way to go Bryson!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

May 1, 2016 - Be the Change!

First, let me say Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all teachers and education support staff!  Join me as we celebrate these outstanding individuals!  Calhoun City Schools is only as strong as those who cross it's threshold each and every day, and we are fortunate to have such a strong staff.

Be the Change: Please take time to watch my weekly video greeting.

As we heed the call to action that I put forth last week... to move the classroom beyond the four walls, we must also reflect on how this allows us to impact our students.  A sign sits upon a book shelf in my office which reads, "Be the Change" (pictured here):
This sign serves as a constant reminder that I have the responsibility to be the change I want to see in my school and community.  I want to see students love learning; therefore, I must model that love for learning with enthusiasm and excitement.  It is one thing to expect things from our students, it is another thing to model the expectation on a consistent basis.  Calhoun Middle School is a great place to live, learn and play, yet we have ample opportunity for positive change.  If excellence truly is our goal, then our finish line is constantly moving, and we must adjust our pace as we drive towards that target.  I had the pleasure of seeing excellence in action this week.  I saw it in the teamwork exhibited in the administration of the milestones assessment.  The kids and the teachers were incredible and I am so thankful to work with such a professional group of individuals.  I saw it in the dodgeball tournament where students raised over two thousand dollars for Relay 4 Life to benefit those fighting cancer.  This tournament was one of the highlights of an exciting week where students let loose and had fun after working so hard on their EOGs.  We wrapped up the week with 8th grade fun day which was a great success because of the dedication of our 8th grade teachers and tremendous parent support.  Excellence is always around us, yet we can always improve.  Just as important it is for students and teachers to be the change, it is also imperative that our parents be the change.  The school house is one tool that supports the production of strong citizens, but we all know that the foundation for this construction project begins in the home.  Parents do, and should, have the most direct impact on students as they grow and mature into young adults.  It is for that reason I encourage all the parents out there to continue setting a positive example for your children.  We all must be the change for today's generation of youth if we hope to create a bright and promising future.  So, be encouraged, be optimistic, and most importantly... be the change! 

Staff Spotlight 
  • Kelli Fowler & Patti Gilmer: These ladies showed us what organization and teamwork is all about!  Kelli orchestrated a team of 8th grade teachers as they held what was a fun and exciting fun day at CMS!  The day was a highlight of the year for many students and we had ample parent support which was very appreciated.  Patti Gilmer was also a star this week as she organized the dodgeball tournament and helped our students to raise more than two thousand dollars for Relay 4 Life.  Thank you to everyone who was involved in these amazing events!
Student Spotlight
  • Reece Poe & The Liberators!  Reece and The Liberators were the winners of the 2016 CMS Relay 4 Life Dodgeball Tournament.  These 8th grade students led a dominating performance in what was an exciting and much needed relief from a busy testing week.  Reece Poe is to be recognized for delivering the near fatal blow to the head of yours truly.  He bulleted a 90 mph speedball directly at my head which sent my glasses flying and myself with a minor non-concussion.  This moment of the tournament felt like it was a slow motion scene from the infamous movie Dodgeball in which I, not unlike Ben Stiller, was struck to the ground by a 0.15lb foam core dodgeball.  Way to go Reece & The Liberators!  I loved every minute of it!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

April 24, 2016 - Beyond the Four Walls

Most often when we think about what classroom instruction looks like, we envision a traditional classroom with four walls, some sort of display such as a whiteboard or television, student desks, and hopefully a portal to the outside world (commonly referred to as a window).  We reference a teacher delivering instruction at the front of the room in an attempt to engage their students who aspire to meet both the teacher's and parents' expectations.  This is not an abnormal expectation of what you might see when you enter classrooms throughout the country; however, Calhoun City Schools aspires to set themselves apart from this traditional model.  You may have heard us commonly refer to "The community as the classroom", and have most likely seen our students on field trips throughout Calhoun and Gordon County.  The problem we experience is that these field trips are isolated and do not engage students on a daily basis.  With that said, I am making it a priority for Calhoun Middle School to focus its efforts on providing field experiences for students on a more frequent basis.  Does this mean we will be going to Disney every week and traveling across country?  In short, no.  What it does mean is that I am challenging our teachers to move beyond the four walls of the classroom on a weekly basis.  After we conclude testing, at least one day per week, they have been asked to move their classes from the traditional classroom to the community classroom.  This may be as simple as taking their journal activity outside into nature, taking an inspiration walk around campus, putting instruction into motion by calculating percentages in a free throw contest, or visiting one of our many resources in downtown Calhoun and the surrounding area.  I have conferenced individually with each of our staff over the past two weeks and shared this vision with them and they are excited!  The ideas they have formulated have me excited about closing out the school year in a strong and positive way.  As we revisit curriculum and preview upcoming units for next year, our incredible teachers have begun to think of creative and dynamic ways to engage students in hands-on learning.  This is the new norm at Calhoun Middle School, and although many teachers have already put activities into action, it is my desire that this style of teaching and learning become the expectation and not the exception.  So, when you see students around town having fun during the school day, walking in nature, putting the standards into action, stop and applaud both them and their teachers for creating creative outlets for classroom instruction.  As always, I am proud to be a Calhoun Yellow Jacket!  I am proud to be your principal, and I am proud to serve the students and staff of this incredible community!

Staff Spotlight 

  • Brandi Hayes! Brandi Hayes! Brandi Hayes!  This is the name we should all be cheering for as she has done an exceptional job navigating the murkey waters of testing at CMS!  For this reason, she is our staff spotlight this week, along with all those who have helped with testing.  There are too many to name, but to say I am proud of how are teachers and students have acted during testing is a gross understatement.  
Student Spotlight

  • ALL STUDENTS - 6th through 8th grade.  We have had limited to no interruptions caused by students this past week during the testing window.  Our students have done an outstanding job following directions and not reacting negatively during frustrating situations, such as tech issues, that have arisen.  Kudos to all of our kids.  We will celebrate them in the near future!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

April 17, 2016 - Testing Eve

As I sit here and reflect upon what was a magnificent first week for me at Calhoun Middle School, I want to be sure to highlight my initial observations of the students, staff and parents of CMS:

1. The students are incredible!  They have been so welcoming and inviting.  They are always willing to lend a hand and genuinely seem to enjoy school.  They are engaged in their learning, and have healthy relationships with their teachers.  The students are not afraid to speak their truth and are quick to share their personal vision for Calhoun Middle School.

2. The teachers and staff are dedicated!  Students and teachers have a common trait; they all want to enjoy their experience at school.  Although not every day is a trip to Disney World, the teachers are working so hard to make school a fun and engaging experience for students.  They recognize we have room for growth and have already been asking, "What can we do make CMS even better?"  What I have been most impressed with is the fact that they realize that the heart of any successful classroom is the existence of strong binding relationships between teacher and student and the fact that students know that the teachers genuinely care about them.

3. The parents are just a phone call away! Beyond the congratulatory comments of moving into my new position, the parents have been supportive to the 'nth' degree.  From hosting a Shrek cast party to decorating the lobby of the auditorium, hard-working parents are in no short supply at CMS!

Week in Review: We experienced a Code Red Lockdown drill which was unannounced to us all, yet, our teachers and students performed admirably; we have prepared students for the EOG Milestones assessment which begins on Monday; we have rewarded students with a trip to the Rome Braves; we have put 285 students on stage to produce Shrek; and we have reminded students that school is much more than a test.

Staff Spotlight: Huge shoutout to India Galyean, Robin Proffitt and Darlene Wright who put on a phenomenal show with the help of 285 students and a host of parents.  These three ladies are amazing and we are so very fortunate to have them in Calhoun City Schools.  I would post their picture, but their beauty would crack your screen upon a mere glance of their three angelic faces.

Student Spotlight: The cast and crew of Shrek were amazing!!!  If you didn't watch the show then you need to rush to Bill Long and order the DVD because you missed what was the finest production of Shrek that any middle school has ever produced!

In closing, I would like to thank the students, staff and parents of CMS for making me feel at home within a matter of days.  I appreciate each of you and look forward to making CMS the premiere school in northwest Georgia and beyond!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Principal's Welcome and Introduction

You are invited to view my introduction/welcome video message below.  I look forward to embarking on this leadership journey with each of you as we continue to make Calhoun Middle School the best middle school in Georgia and beyond.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding the education of your child. You can reach me via email at coombep@calhounschools.org or on my direct office line at 706-602-6661.  I also invite you to visit my principals blog at calhounmiddle.blogspot.com.  This blog will provide you with a unique perspective on Calhoun Middle School through the eyes of yours truly.  I will post updated videos, student and teacher spotlights, and more on a weekly basis.  I will also be using both instagram and twitter to share middle school happenings.  Follow me on twitter @pcoombe and on instagram you can search the name coombep.  I would love the opportunity to meet with you and welcome you to schedule a time that we can sit and discuss the future of Calhoun Middle School.  Thank you for your time.  Thank you for your support.