
Sunday, May 1, 2016

May 1, 2016 - Be the Change!

First, let me say Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all teachers and education support staff!  Join me as we celebrate these outstanding individuals!  Calhoun City Schools is only as strong as those who cross it's threshold each and every day, and we are fortunate to have such a strong staff.

Be the Change: Please take time to watch my weekly video greeting.

As we heed the call to action that I put forth last week... to move the classroom beyond the four walls, we must also reflect on how this allows us to impact our students.  A sign sits upon a book shelf in my office which reads, "Be the Change" (pictured here):
This sign serves as a constant reminder that I have the responsibility to be the change I want to see in my school and community.  I want to see students love learning; therefore, I must model that love for learning with enthusiasm and excitement.  It is one thing to expect things from our students, it is another thing to model the expectation on a consistent basis.  Calhoun Middle School is a great place to live, learn and play, yet we have ample opportunity for positive change.  If excellence truly is our goal, then our finish line is constantly moving, and we must adjust our pace as we drive towards that target.  I had the pleasure of seeing excellence in action this week.  I saw it in the teamwork exhibited in the administration of the milestones assessment.  The kids and the teachers were incredible and I am so thankful to work with such a professional group of individuals.  I saw it in the dodgeball tournament where students raised over two thousand dollars for Relay 4 Life to benefit those fighting cancer.  This tournament was one of the highlights of an exciting week where students let loose and had fun after working so hard on their EOGs.  We wrapped up the week with 8th grade fun day which was a great success because of the dedication of our 8th grade teachers and tremendous parent support.  Excellence is always around us, yet we can always improve.  Just as important it is for students and teachers to be the change, it is also imperative that our parents be the change.  The school house is one tool that supports the production of strong citizens, but we all know that the foundation for this construction project begins in the home.  Parents do, and should, have the most direct impact on students as they grow and mature into young adults.  It is for that reason I encourage all the parents out there to continue setting a positive example for your children.  We all must be the change for today's generation of youth if we hope to create a bright and promising future.  So, be encouraged, be optimistic, and most importantly... be the change! 

Staff Spotlight 
  • Kelli Fowler & Patti Gilmer: These ladies showed us what organization and teamwork is all about!  Kelli orchestrated a team of 8th grade teachers as they held what was a fun and exciting fun day at CMS!  The day was a highlight of the year for many students and we had ample parent support which was very appreciated.  Patti Gilmer was also a star this week as she organized the dodgeball tournament and helped our students to raise more than two thousand dollars for Relay 4 Life.  Thank you to everyone who was involved in these amazing events!
Student Spotlight
  • Reece Poe & The Liberators!  Reece and The Liberators were the winners of the 2016 CMS Relay 4 Life Dodgeball Tournament.  These 8th grade students led a dominating performance in what was an exciting and much needed relief from a busy testing week.  Reece Poe is to be recognized for delivering the near fatal blow to the head of yours truly.  He bulleted a 90 mph speedball directly at my head which sent my glasses flying and myself with a minor non-concussion.  This moment of the tournament felt like it was a slow motion scene from the infamous movie Dodgeball in which I, not unlike Ben Stiller, was struck to the ground by a 0.15lb foam core dodgeball.  Way to go Reece & The Liberators!  I loved every minute of it!

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