
Sunday, April 24, 2016

April 24, 2016 - Beyond the Four Walls

Most often when we think about what classroom instruction looks like, we envision a traditional classroom with four walls, some sort of display such as a whiteboard or television, student desks, and hopefully a portal to the outside world (commonly referred to as a window).  We reference a teacher delivering instruction at the front of the room in an attempt to engage their students who aspire to meet both the teacher's and parents' expectations.  This is not an abnormal expectation of what you might see when you enter classrooms throughout the country; however, Calhoun City Schools aspires to set themselves apart from this traditional model.  You may have heard us commonly refer to "The community as the classroom", and have most likely seen our students on field trips throughout Calhoun and Gordon County.  The problem we experience is that these field trips are isolated and do not engage students on a daily basis.  With that said, I am making it a priority for Calhoun Middle School to focus its efforts on providing field experiences for students on a more frequent basis.  Does this mean we will be going to Disney every week and traveling across country?  In short, no.  What it does mean is that I am challenging our teachers to move beyond the four walls of the classroom on a weekly basis.  After we conclude testing, at least one day per week, they have been asked to move their classes from the traditional classroom to the community classroom.  This may be as simple as taking their journal activity outside into nature, taking an inspiration walk around campus, putting instruction into motion by calculating percentages in a free throw contest, or visiting one of our many resources in downtown Calhoun and the surrounding area.  I have conferenced individually with each of our staff over the past two weeks and shared this vision with them and they are excited!  The ideas they have formulated have me excited about closing out the school year in a strong and positive way.  As we revisit curriculum and preview upcoming units for next year, our incredible teachers have begun to think of creative and dynamic ways to engage students in hands-on learning.  This is the new norm at Calhoun Middle School, and although many teachers have already put activities into action, it is my desire that this style of teaching and learning become the expectation and not the exception.  So, when you see students around town having fun during the school day, walking in nature, putting the standards into action, stop and applaud both them and their teachers for creating creative outlets for classroom instruction.  As always, I am proud to be a Calhoun Yellow Jacket!  I am proud to be your principal, and I am proud to serve the students and staff of this incredible community!

Staff Spotlight 

  • Brandi Hayes! Brandi Hayes! Brandi Hayes!  This is the name we should all be cheering for as she has done an exceptional job navigating the murkey waters of testing at CMS!  For this reason, she is our staff spotlight this week, along with all those who have helped with testing.  There are too many to name, but to say I am proud of how are teachers and students have acted during testing is a gross understatement.  
Student Spotlight

  • ALL STUDENTS - 6th through 8th grade.  We have had limited to no interruptions caused by students this past week during the testing window.  Our students have done an outstanding job following directions and not reacting negatively during frustrating situations, such as tech issues, that have arisen.  Kudos to all of our kids.  We will celebrate them in the near future!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

April 17, 2016 - Testing Eve

As I sit here and reflect upon what was a magnificent first week for me at Calhoun Middle School, I want to be sure to highlight my initial observations of the students, staff and parents of CMS:

1. The students are incredible!  They have been so welcoming and inviting.  They are always willing to lend a hand and genuinely seem to enjoy school.  They are engaged in their learning, and have healthy relationships with their teachers.  The students are not afraid to speak their truth and are quick to share their personal vision for Calhoun Middle School.

2. The teachers and staff are dedicated!  Students and teachers have a common trait; they all want to enjoy their experience at school.  Although not every day is a trip to Disney World, the teachers are working so hard to make school a fun and engaging experience for students.  They recognize we have room for growth and have already been asking, "What can we do make CMS even better?"  What I have been most impressed with is the fact that they realize that the heart of any successful classroom is the existence of strong binding relationships between teacher and student and the fact that students know that the teachers genuinely care about them.

3. The parents are just a phone call away! Beyond the congratulatory comments of moving into my new position, the parents have been supportive to the 'nth' degree.  From hosting a Shrek cast party to decorating the lobby of the auditorium, hard-working parents are in no short supply at CMS!

Week in Review: We experienced a Code Red Lockdown drill which was unannounced to us all, yet, our teachers and students performed admirably; we have prepared students for the EOG Milestones assessment which begins on Monday; we have rewarded students with a trip to the Rome Braves; we have put 285 students on stage to produce Shrek; and we have reminded students that school is much more than a test.

Staff Spotlight: Huge shoutout to India Galyean, Robin Proffitt and Darlene Wright who put on a phenomenal show with the help of 285 students and a host of parents.  These three ladies are amazing and we are so very fortunate to have them in Calhoun City Schools.  I would post their picture, but their beauty would crack your screen upon a mere glance of their three angelic faces.

Student Spotlight: The cast and crew of Shrek were amazing!!!  If you didn't watch the show then you need to rush to Bill Long and order the DVD because you missed what was the finest production of Shrek that any middle school has ever produced!

In closing, I would like to thank the students, staff and parents of CMS for making me feel at home within a matter of days.  I appreciate each of you and look forward to making CMS the premiere school in northwest Georgia and beyond!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Principal's Welcome and Introduction

You are invited to view my introduction/welcome video message below.  I look forward to embarking on this leadership journey with each of you as we continue to make Calhoun Middle School the best middle school in Georgia and beyond.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding the education of your child. You can reach me via email at coombep@calhounschools.org or on my direct office line at 706-602-6661.  I also invite you to visit my principals blog at calhounmiddle.blogspot.com.  This blog will provide you with a unique perspective on Calhoun Middle School through the eyes of yours truly.  I will post updated videos, student and teacher spotlights, and more on a weekly basis.  I will also be using both instagram and twitter to share middle school happenings.  Follow me on twitter @pcoombe and on instagram you can search the name coombep.  I would love the opportunity to meet with you and welcome you to schedule a time that we can sit and discuss the future of Calhoun Middle School.  Thank you for your time.  Thank you for your support.